#ctxAdd labels to a thread
Archive a label type
Assign a thread to a user or machine user
Change a thread's priority
Creates the configuration for a Customer Card. Useful if you want to programatically set up a customer card vs using the settings UI
Create a Customer Event
Create a thread (e.g. when a contact form is submitted)
Create a Thread Event
If the customer is not found this will return null.
If the customer is not found this will return null.
If the customer group is not found this will return null.
Get a paginated list of customer groups.
Get a paginated list of customers.
Get a label type by id
Get a paginated list of label types
Fetch the workspace for the authenticated API key.
Get a single thread by id
Get a single thread by external id. A thread's external id is unique per customer, hence why the customer id is also required.
Get a paginated list of threads
Get a paginated list of customers.
If the webhook target is not found it will return null
Mark a thread as done
Mark a thread as Todo (e.g. Unsnooze)
Remove labels from a thread
Snooze thread for a duration defined in seconds
Unassign a thread
Updates the configuration for a Customer Card.
Allows you to create or update a customer. If you need to get the customer id for a customer in Plain, this is typically your first step.
Get a paginated list of customers.
"use `getUserByEmail" instead
Generated using TypeDoc
Adds a customer to a customer groups.